Wants For Sale

This couple from New York paints pictures of the things they want, and sell the paintings for the price of the real item. When the painting sells, they buy that item. Really neat concept. Wants for Sale (from Kottke)

“Sometimes doing nothing is the best option”

Great post by NASA’s Wayne Hale on his blog regarding conjuctions, or close encounters between the Space Shuttle and space junk.  When a conjunction is going to occur during the crew sleep period and there is sufficient reason to believe there will not be a collision, mission controllers will set a timer to expire at […]


Joe (@szac) turned me on to Flot for a project he’s working on.  I’m helping him out with some php logic.  Flot a pretty nifty graphing library all in javascript.  The examples show that it’s capable of a lot: multiple axes, multiple series, highlighting, and all can be updated real-time using Ajax.  But at its […]